Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
6th International Conference on Advances in Neonatal and Pediatric Nutrition, will be organized around the theme “Connecting, Collaborating, Caring for a Better World for Children”
Pediatric Nutrition 2023 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Pediatric Nutrition 2023
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Pediatric Nutrition is the maintenance of a proper well-balanced diet consisting of the essential nutrients and the adequate caloric intake necessary to promote growth and sustain the physiological requirements at the various stages of a child's development.
- Track 1-1Human milk oligosaccharides
- Track 1-2Breastfeeding
- Track 1-3Growth & development
- Track 1-4Gut microbiota
- Track 1-5Obesity
- Track 1-6Allergies
- Track 1-7Malnutrition
- Track 1-8Low birth weight
- Track 1-9Nutrition, health and wellness
- Track 1-10Nutrition & disease management
- Track 1-11Pediatric gastroenterology
Pediatrics is the branch of medication that incorporates the therapeutic care of newborn children, kids, and young people. Neonatology is a branch of pediatrics that deals with the premature or ill infants. The new-born infants who are suffering from low birth weight, congenital malformations, sepsis, pulmonary hypoplasia, birth asphyxias and prematurity are treated in consideration. Practicing physician in the area of neonatology is referred as neonatologist and Pediatrics is referred as pediatrician.
- Track 2-1Pediatric pulmonology
- Track 2-2Micronutrients and macronutrients
- Track 2-3Essential vitamins and minerals
- Track 2-4Breast feeding
- Track 2-5Calorie intake
- Track 2-6Bottle feeding
- Track 2-7Proteins and grains
- Track 2-8Essential fruits & vegetables
- Track 2-9Enteral & parenteral nutrition
- Track 2-10Pediatric gastroenterologists
- Track 2-11Pediatric surgery
Neonatology is a branch of pediatrics that deals with the premature or ill infants. It is a medical and hospital-based specialty which includes taking care of the new born babies; it is usually practiced in neonatal intensive care units.
- Track 3-1Neonatal jaundice (hyperbilirubinemia)
- Track 3-2Infant respiratory distress syndrome (surfactant deficiency syndrome)
- Track 3-3Neonatal lupus erythematosus
- Track 3-4Neonatal conjunctivitis
- Track 3-5Neonatal tetanus & sepsis
- Track 3-6Neonatal bowel obstruction
- Track 3-7Benign neonatal seizures
- Track 3-8Neonatal acne & stroke
- Track 3-9Neonatal diabetes mellitus
- Track 3-10Neonatal herpes simplex
- Track 3-11Neonatal hemochromatosis
- Track 3-12Neonatal meningitis & hepatitis
- Track 3-13Neonatal hypoglycemia & cholestasis
Parenteral nutrition, often called total parenteral nutrition, is the medical term for infusing a specialized form of food through a vein (intravenously). The goal of the treatment is to correct or prevent malnutrition.
- Track 4-1Parental nutrition nursing
- Track 4-2Parental nutrition obesity
- Track 4-3Parental nutrition in chronic diseases
- Track 4-4Parental nutrition in behavioural health
- Track 4-5Parental nutrition in food allergies
- Track 4-6Nourishing a growing child
- Track 4-7Parental nutrition in eating disorders
- Track 4-8Parental nutrition in malnutrition
Malnutrition or malnourishment is a condition that results from eating a diet lacking in nutrients. Malnutrition in children is especially harmful. The damage to physical and cognitive development during the first two years of a child’s life is largely irreversible. Malnutrition also leads to poor school performance, which can result in future income reduction. Adults who were undernourished as children are at risk of developing diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular issues.
- Track 5-1Marasmus
- Track 5-2Kwashiorkor
- Track 5-3Vitamin and mineral deficiency
- Track 5-4Stunting
These diets provide adequate nutrition for the child of any developmental age and will aid in establishing good eating habits. These diets are based on the basic food groups with considerations of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for age. Food group quantities may be divided to include between-meal snacks. The age of the child will determine consistency and amount of foods to be eaten. Education, with the support of the health care community, combined with health policy and environmental change to support optimal nutrition and physical activity, are central to this health strategy.
- Track 6-1Diet included
- Track 6-2Optimizing nutrition
- Track 6-3Safe and unsafe food
- Track 6-4Elements in the diet
- Track 6-5Diet during illness
Breastfeeding, also known as nurturing, is the feeding of babies and young children with milk from a woman's breast. Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for strong growth and progress. Colostrum, the yellowish, sticky breast milk produced at the end of pregnancy, is suggested as the perfect food for the new born. Breastfeeding has a number of reimbursements to both mother and baby.
- Track 7-1Production of breast milk
- Track 7-2Composition of breast milk
- Track 7-3Benefits of breast milk
- Track 7-4Medicinal uses of breast feeding
- Track 7-5Immunity obtained by breast milk
- Track 7-6Problems related to breast milk
- Track 7-7vaccinations
- Track 7-8Breastfeeding and alternatives
Baby food is any soft, easily consumed food, other than breast milk or infant formula that is made specifically for babies, roughly between the ages of four to six months and two years. The food comes in multiple varieties and tastes. Baby food can be given when the child is developmentally ready to eat. Signs of readiness include the ability to sit without help, loss of tongue thrust, and the display of active interest in food that others are eating.
- Track 8-1Infant food intake
- Track 8-2Intake of daily food
- Track 8-3Immune implication
- Track 8-4Food allergies
- Track 8-5Medicinal food
- Track 8-6Quantity and quality of food intake
Probiotics are living bacteria and yeasts that are good for our health, especially to your digestive system. Probiotics are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they aid to keep your body healthy. We can also found them in some diets and supplements. When you lose "good" bacteria in your build with probiotics can support substituting them. They can help balance your "good" and "bad" bacteria to have infant’s body working like it should be.
- Track 9-1Age at start
- Track 9-2Dose and duration
- Track 9-3Use of probiotics
- Track 9-4Selection of strains
- Track 9-5Monitoring for adverse effects
- Track 9-6Respiratory distress syndrome
- Track 9-7Rhinovirus, common cold and tetanus
Diseases of infants present at birth developing within the first month of birth. Childhood disease and disorder, any illness, impairment, or abnormal condition that affects primarily infants and children. Childhood is a period characterized by change, both in the child and in the instant environment. Changes in the child linked to growth and progress are so striking that it is almost as if the child were a series of distinct yet connected individuals passing through infancy, childhood, and adolescence.
- Track 10-1Hepatitis A & B
- Track 10-2Gonorrhea & parainfluenza infection
- Track 10-3Ecrotizing enterocolitis
- Track 10-4Metapneumovirus (HMPV) infection
- Track 10-5Meconium aspiration syndrome
Food allergy is becoming a serious problem around the world, with an estimated 6–8% of youngsters affected at a connected age childhood. It is significant to recognize that the nutritional implications include not only the elimination of essential food from the diet. Clinical awareness is required among health professionals as to the clinical characteristics, epidemiology, study, and supervision of food allergic disorders, as is the inclusion of a dietician as part of the allergy team. The food intake by the children with the unhygienic dietary interference can be an integral part of the allergy consultation.
- Track 11-1Fixed and cycle food allergies
- Track 11-2Immune implications
- Track 11-3Growth implications
- Track 11-4Cognitive implications
- Track 11-5Circulation symptoms
- Track 11-6Breathing problems
- Track 11-7Enteric infections
The categorized problems associated with the permanent or temporary diseases of a new born infant at the time of birth or the diseases developed within a span of first month after the birth. It may be included as the hereditary diseases or the diseases caused when the child is exposed to the environment, the pediatric disorder, illness, impairment or any abnormal condition that can affect the child in a primarily way should be cured in with in a stipulated time. The disorder should be treated with in a small amount of time so that the child born will not be affected by any kind of disorder in the coming future.
- Track 12-1Anorexia
- Track 12-2Nerofibromatosis & migraine
- Track 12-3Encephalopathy
- Track 12-4Muscular dystrophy
- Track 12-5Cognitive development
- Track 12-6Vomiting after eating
- Track 12-7Depression
- Track 12-8Anxiety disorders
- Track 12-9Binge eating
- Track 12-10Bulimia
- Track 12-11Pediatric ataxia
- Track 12-12Lennox Gastout Syndrome
Diagnosis technique specializes in the different methods related to the analysis to the pre equipped medication in the sector Pediatrics and neonatal. The Care include the type of the medical equipment’s the medicine involved, the doctors, nurses and the different research also reflects in the rehabilitation care and medical management of children with neuromuscular disorders, Health growth, birth problem. The physicians and nurse practitioner in the pediatric rehabilitation medicine division provide evaluation and on-going care to patient in rehabilitation clinics.
- Track 13-1Preschools & centre based care
- Track 13-2Customized care
- Track 13-3Learning the right things
- Track 13-4Family child care
- Track 13-5Nutrients and clinical strategies
- Track 13-6Pediatric nutrition care manual
A Case Report is a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an new-born patient. Case reports contain a demographic outline of the patient and usually describes an unusual or novel occurrence. Some case reports also contain a literature review of other reported cases. The session includes discussion on Pediatric Gastroenterology, Neonatal Gastroenterology, and Pediatric Gastrointestinal disorders, Pediatric Hepatology, Pediatric Nutrition and Pediatric Surgery.
- Track 14-1Pediatric hepatology
- Track 14-2Pediatric nutrition
- Track 14-3Pediatric gastroenterology
The aim of the study of Pediatrics nutrition meeting is to reduce infancy of deaths, control the spread of communicable sickness, promote healthy routines for a long aseptic life and help ease the problems of offspring and youths. It can be acknowledged that this can be reached by learning the primary subject on General Pediatrics. General Pediatrics includes the basic treatments involved for the betterment of pediatric health. The most significant problems can be due to nutritional insufficiencies to the overall health of infancy because growth and development can be seriously hindered by shortages in essential vitamins or nutrients.
- Track 15-1Pediatric nutritionists
- Track 15-2Pediatric dieticians
- Track 15-3Pediatric physicians
- Track 15-4Pharmacists
- Track 15-5Pediatric surgeons
- Track 15-6Pediatric nurses
- Track 15-7Pediatric associations
- Track 15-8Pediatricians