Farouk Kamel El-Baz
National Research Centre, Egypt
Farouk Kamel El-Baz was graduated from Cairo University, Cairo - he is a Professor of Biochemistry. He was the Vice President of National Research Centre during the period 2001-2005, awarded the highest state of Egypt Prize of Merit in Advanced Technological Sciences (2008) and Scientifi c Merit Award in Agric. Sciences of NRC, 2007. The Principal Investigator (PI) of biodiesel production from algae as a renewable energy source project - which funded by EU 2014-2017. He is also the PI of Industrial Pharmaceutical Alliance (NRC) sponsored by the Academy of Scientifi c Research and Technology (Egypt); He is the Director of Algal Technology Unit/ NRC, Cairo, Egypt. He has published 152 papers in International Journals, he has Supervised 18 Thesis, and serving as the reviewer of many International Journals.
Abstract : Growing microalgae Dunaliella salina using photo bio reactor for bioactive compounds